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Book Your Workshop Now!

We are proud to announce a new series of FREE workshops to support you with finding a job and assist you with addressing barriers that are preventing you from moving forward.  The workshops are held at on site training facilities in Albany Road, SE5 and lunch is provided.  Please note that we are also able to provide childcare*

Please see below for further information and how to register.

 *conditions apply

Lockdown Lift Off

A workshop designed to support you with giving you the space to evaluate where you are now and what matters to you, as well as acknowledging any negative emotions you have as a result of the Pandemic

Interview Techniques

Using the ‘Situation – Task – Action – Result’ (STAR) technique, we will give you ‘real-life’ scenarios and skills to ensure that you master the art of presenting yourself professionally, when you are asked to attend a job interview.

Representing Yourself

An introduction on how to get your point across to others in situations when you need to obtain positive results.  This includes how to manage paperwork, improve you time management, and communicate effectively in order to be better organised to tackle day to day issues effectively.

Family Dynamics

Gain an understanding of how the dynamics of the people who are closest to you influence your employment related decisions, and learn methods to establish boundaries and stay ‘on track’ with your decision making.

Eating Healthily

Eating healthily plays a massive role in our day to day well being.  Attend this session to find out how to get more out of what you eat and how to shop effectively, including a take home guide to eating healthily on a budget!

Fitness and Well-being

Keep fit and active for work!  This session provides information about the importance of fitness and the impact it has on our day to day lives including tips on how to make the most of what you have available to you in your local area.

How to manage debt

Hints and tips on how to manage your current finances and debts effectively.  Suitable for those on Universal Credit, low-waged and those who may have recently found employment.

Confidence and Motivation

Build your confidence and motivation by exploring what you need to do to become successful in your life, and how you can develop skills to address challenges in order to become more positive about your life’s journey.

Making Change

For those who have recently found employment after a long period out of work, you may find the experience quite overwhelming.  Attend this session to apply our tips which can support you on your journey.

Self Employment and Digital Help

Hints and tips on how to use computers and the internet effectively, whether in the work place or to support self-employment.  This workshop includes setting up a website and how to use YouTube as a self-employment tool.

Community Engagement

Approximately 70% of residents are unaware of the range of free services in the local community to support you in everyday life, and those that do experience barriers in terms of how to access them.  This e-workshop will help you to access the support that you need.

Life Hacks

Learn simple ways to tweak the things you have in your home and everyday life to make your  journey both into and whilst employment run smoothly.  This workshop includes free giveaways to get you started.

Sleep Clinic

Sometimes our personal situations seem overwhelming, and stop us from sleeping well at nights.  This workshop will give you practical tips to get a good night’s sleep and help you to understand why following a managed sleep routine is so important for productivity and a good quality of life.

Anger Management

Whether you are in a situation when you feel angry about a situation, or you need to support someone close who feels that they have no other way to express themselves, this workshop will supply you with the tools to manage anger in a positive way.   This includes understanding how anger can impact on others, and how you can develop skills to eliminate “triggers” for both personal and professional life.

Managing Teenagers

Bringing up teenagers can be rewarding, yet at times challenging!  Employment can mean you spending less time at home with you family therefore we can provide you with hints and tips on how you can support your teenager as they embark on their own life’s journey.  This includes taking a closer look Looking closely at understanding the different challenges this generation faces and in appreciation of how the teenage brain works.

First Aid

An exciting opportunity to become a Qualified First Aider! This day course will equip you with learning a set of practical skills needed for the work environment including how to examine a casualty, familiarise yourself with basic life support and use a defibrillator.


Debt & Money Management Workshop

Practical and inspiring advice and guidance in managing your money and debt. You will have the opportunity to write to people/organisations that you owe money to. You will also receive a ‘goodie-bag’ of essential items to help you with money management after the course is completed.


To enquire about any of the above named workshops, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly: